@echo off Title DLC Boot 2015 Menu for Windows Vista/7/8 on HDD - DLC Corporation echo Please wait while copying the necessary files... copy /y dlc.mbr %HomeDrive%\ copy /y dlc %HomeDrive%\ attrib +r +h +s "%HomeDrive%\dlc.mbr" attrib +r +h +s "%HomeDrive%\dlc" xcopy ..\..\..\DLC1\* %HomeDrive%\DLC1 /s /i /y for %%x in (B7P B8P BOOT.SDI BOOTFIX.BIN ETFSBOOT.COM info.txt) do echo copy /y ..\..\..\Boot\%%x %HomeDrive%\Boot && copy /y ..\..\..\Boot\%%x %HomeDrive%\Boot start msgbox "Complete Integrated into the Windows Vista, 7, 8 Boot Menu" 0 "Complete Integrated" exit