[arch] ;will over rule the bootp filename or opt67 if the client arch matches one of the below ;00006=bootia32.efi ;00007=bootx64.efi ;00009=bootx64.efi [dhcp] ;below is applicable only if proxydhcp=0 rfc951=1 ;needed to tell TFTPd where is the root folder ;root=files ====================== root= ;bootp filename as in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc951 ;filename=ipxe-undionly.kpxe ;filename=ipxe.pxe ================================ filename=DLCBootLan.kpxe ;alternative bootp filename if request comes from ipxe or gpxe ;altfilename=menu.ipxe ================================ altfilename=Programs\Dos\Menu\en\LAN\DefaultTrueImage.ipxe ;start HTTPd =============================== httpd=1 binl=0 ;start=0 ================================= start=1 dnsd=0 ;if you have a dhcp server on your lan, set proxydhcp=1 proxydhcp=0 ;default=1 bind=1 ;tftpd=1 by default ;will share (netbios) the root folder as PXE smb=0 ;will log to log.txt log=0 ;opt1= ;opt3= ;opt6= ;opt28= ;opt15= ;opt17= ;opt43= ;opt51= ;opt54= ;opt67= ;opt66= ;opt252= ;poolstart= ;poolsize= ========================= poolsize=50 ;alternative bootp filename if request comes thru proxydhcp (udp:4011) ;proxybootfilename= ;any extra dhcp options ;my gpxe / ipxe dhcp options optextra= ;the below will be executed when clicking on the online button ;online=online.bat ;offline=offline.bat ;if log=1, will log to log.txt - not recommended, rather, use the syslog feature log=0 ;syslog= [web] port=80 ;php.exe file.php param1=value1 ;download php from https://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/ ;php-5.6.38-nts-Win32-VC11-x86 tested with success php=c:\php\php.exe ;cscript.exe file.vbs param1=value1 //nologo vbs=C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe js=C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe ;python.exe file.py param1=value1 py=C:\Python27\python.exe ;the below will be used if you turn on dnsd [mydomain.fr] ip= [] host=mydomain2.fr [frmDHCPServer] top=182 left=182