timeout 3 default /default clear debug off # autonumber menu entries write 0x8274 0x2001 graphicsmode -1 800 100:1000 24:32 > nul font /DLC1/Boot/unifont.hex.gz splashimage /DLC1/Boot/BackgroundGru4.jpg > nul # set the colours we want to use # Note: apart from highlighted text, any background colour is ignored as it will always be 'transparent' except for highlight setting #0=black,1=blue, 2=green,3=cyan,4=red,5=magenta,6=brown,7=grey (add 8 for bright color - e.g. 15=white, 14=yellow, 13=pink,12=red,11=cyan,10=green, 9=bright blue, 8=grey) #multiply by 16 to make the background blue (16x1), 32 to make the background green (16x2), 48 for bkgnd cyan (16x3), etc. # normal=grey, highlight=white+magenta helptext=pink, heading=cyan standard=white boreder=red color normal=0x07 helptext=0x0D heading=0x05 standard=0x0F border=0x05 # - MENU POSITION AND BORDER - # wordspacing and linespacing normally set to 0, borderwidth=0 for no border, 1 for thin border, etc. #/menusetting.gz u will restore max menu grub4dos default set wdspace=0 set lnspace=0 set topstart=7 set rstart=7 set noitems=20 set menuw=87 set bdwidth=0 set tophelp=29 # place a 5 entry menu at extreme right of 800x600 splashimage bitmap, starting 8 lines down, 7 across /DLC1/Boot/menusetting.gz %wdspace% %lnspace% %bdwidth% %tophelp% %noitems% %topstart% %menuw% %rstart% title Load Grub4DOS Menu find --set-root /DLC1/Programs/Dos/Menu/en/USB/menu.lst configfile /DLC1/Programs/Dos/Menu/en/USB/menu.lst title Load Syslinux Menu chainloader /DLC1/Boot/syslinux.bin