@echo off mode con lines=30 cols=85 Title Copy DLC1MenuUSB - DLC Corporation :CheckUSB echo. for /f "Tokens=*" %%x in ('WMIC LOGICALDISK GET DESCRIPTION^|FIND /i "Removable"') do goto MAINMENU echo No USB connection. Please plug USB! echo Then press any key for continue... pause >nul goto CheckUSB :MAINMENU cls xecho "================================================================================" /a:0E echo. xecho "Please select the drive to copy files" /x:12 /nolf /a:0E & xecho "_" /nolf /a:0 & xecho "DLC1MenuUSB.exe" /a:0C echo. xecho "================================================================================" /a:0E start "" BOOTICE.exe echo. echo Please Hide Partition Boot and UnHide Partition Data echo Press any key for continue... pause >nul cls xecho "================================================================================" /a:0E echo. xecho "Please select the drive to copy files" /x:12 /nolf /a:0E & xecho "_" /nolf /a:0 & xecho "DLC1MenuUSB.exe" /a:0C echo. xecho "================================================================================" /a:0E echo. echo USB List on Your Computer echo. xecho "Letter" /x:1 /nolf /a:0E & xecho "___" /nolf /a:0 & xecho "Label" /nolf /a:0B & xecho "________" /nolf /a:0 & xecho "Type" /nolf /a:0D & xecho "___" /nolf /a:0 & xecho "Disk Type" /nolf /a:0C & xecho "___" /nolf /a:0 & xecho "Size" /a:0A for /f "tokens=3*" %%a in ('echo list volume ^| diskpart ^|find /i "remov"') do ( set %%a=%%a echo %%a: %%b ) echo. xecho "================================================================================" /a:0A echo. echo Type name USB with a character, set /p drive=(Ex: D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,...) and Enter: del /f /q /a %tmp%\TestUSB.txt >nul 2>nul wmic logicaldisk get DESCRIPTION,DEVICEID,VOLUMENAME|FINDSTR "Removable" > %tmp%\TestUSB.txt IF /I '%drive%'=='' goto MAINMENU find /c /i "%drive%:" "%tmp%\TestUSB.txt" > NUL 2>NUL if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( del /f /q /a %tmp%\TestUSB.txt >nul 2>nul goto proceed ) cls echo. echo USB Name errors. Please press any key for try again. pause >nul goto MAINMENU echo. :proceed cls echo. :agree cls echo. echo Are you sure %drive%:\ is Your USB? echo. SET agree= SET /P agree=Do you want continue with %drive%:\ Y/N = Yes/No)?: echo. IF /I NOT '%agree%'=='Y' IF /I NOT '%agree%'=='N' goto agree IF /I '%agree%'=='Y' ( goto yes ) goto MAINMENU cls :yes echo Please wait while Copy DLC1MenuUSB.exe to USB... copy /y DLC1MenuUSB.exe %drive%:\ start msgbox "Complete Create USB Boot. Click OK for Exit Program..." 0 "Creat USB DLC Boot 2015" exit